Yummy Life — How to Change Your Life: Part 2 Rockin’ Boundaries


Changing your life is no easy task. Especially if you’re mired in negative thinking, other people’s expectations, and especially if you don’t have the proper boundaries in place for yourself and others.

If you’ve been following along, in our first step to creating a Yummy Life for yourself in 2015, you learned how to clear your energy field and own the space in the center of your head (your control center). Step 2 to creating the Yummy Life you want is to create and reinforce your Rockin’ Boundaries. And that starts with being grounded or rooted in yourself.

Laying down roots

Being grounded is essential for maintaining good boundaries and it has different meanings for everyone. Being grounded to me (Tara) means being fully conscious and fully present in the moment — being aware of what is happening to us in the present. When we are conscious and aware of our body/mind/energy, we easily stay grounded in love and light from our higher self. This means that no matter what is going on, we stay balanced, centered and aligned with our soul and higher self and we are able to control our reactive, defensive behavioral patterns of our ego/left brain. While that might sound easy — it can be a bit trickier for some than others. You’ll need to know how to keep yourself here and free from the demands and influence of other people’s energy.

Remember, this like any change you wish to become habit, may take a bit of practice.

Rockin’ boundaries

So how do you create rockin’ boundaries to help move you forward into the life you want? Well, this exercise in setting your energetic goals and boundaries each day, grounding yourself as it were, will help get you there (if practiced regularly, preferably, daily). The best time to begin this practice is first thing in the morning, before your feet even hit the floor. It take as little as 5 minutes and can really help you to clarify your intentions for the day and to stand firmly in your certainty and power as you move through out it.

Now, before you start uttering these words and waiting for some magical “Abra Cadabra”-like effect, you need to keep in mind that the words’ real power comes from their meaning, from the intention you set behind them, so choose yours wisely, planning all your phrases in present tense. There’s no need to over-think it though, we all have the capacity to imagine, so — just do it. The sky is the limit. You created your current reality with choices, thoughts, words and actions and you can carve out a new one the same way. The world is yours for the receiving. You’ve shaped your current reality with choices, thoughts, words, and actions, and, employing the cognitive functions of MBTI, you can carve out a new one in the same way. The world is yours for the receiving.


Below is a guideline to get you started, you can change the words to suit your personality or needs:

1) Get a fresh notebook and title it your Wonderful, Awesome, Powerful Me book (or something equivalent, that makes you smile and feels empowering). In it, write to ask for the ability to keep yourself open and aligned to your highest joy, love, peace and truth. Add a sentence like this one, “I am filled with so much light, my bodies (both physical and energetic) are vibrating so highly that all people, places and things must match my yumminess or else they must move along. This sets your vibrational intention for the day and helps to remind you to be mindful of that intention as you go about your day.

2) Don’t let anyone change your mind about how you feel. When not grounded properly, we can all be influenced by other people’s energy, moods, words, or attitudes — many times unknowingly absorbing their ick — trading it for our own intrinsic or intentional yumminess. Own how you feel, you have a right to it.

3) Don’t cross the line of compassion to feeling sorry for someone, this lowers your energetic vibration. Remember, energy attracts like energy and you just took on their “stuff.” This is another way in which you can take on someone else’s ick. We all want to be compassionate beings and we are naturally inclined to want to help someone in need, just make sure your compassion doesn’t turn into taking on their problems as your own or to pitying them — this serves no one and will only drag you down, as well. You’re not helping them if you’re drowning too!

‘Til the next blog . . . have a yummy day!

Remember, if you need guidance or if any of this is new to you, feel free to call me at (503) 781-2531 for a FREE initial energetic assessment. 

Our next blog in the series we’ll cover:

1) Fine tuning your wish list/staying focused
2) Remaining open to receive your bounty

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