WBV Training: A Path to Improved Balance & Stability


WBV Classes Portland


Did you know that Whole Body Vibration (WBV) Training can improve a person’s balance and stability, in addition to all of its other benefits?

According to a 2012 study of older adults, conducted by the Department of Rehabilitation Sciences at the Hong Kong Polytechnic University, WBV significantly impacted the test subject’s Tinetti Body Balance and Timed-Up-and-Go (TUG) scores, both standard clinical tests designed to calculate static and dynamic balance abilities and evaluate fall risks.

WBV at BodyQuirks

Here at BodyQuirks, we’ve been hearing from our clients, that using the machines regularly (2 to 3 times per week) is really helping with balance. In particular, those who have previously struggled with balance have been coming forward to tell us about the changes they are experiencing.

From our own WBV use, we have found that getting up from low chairs is easier as well as getting dressed in the morning, because we can do it standing up without having to hold on to something.
WBV and Improved Balance for Everyone

Another study, published earlier this year, and conducted by the Institute of Sport and Sport Science, University of Freiburg, Germany and the Department of Sports Sciences, University of Konstanz, Germany concluded that after four weeks of training the group that used WBV saw additional benefits regarding balance control and local static muscle control over the group that just did regular exercise.

The study stated that, “vibration training has been shown to improve balance in sub-populations such as elderly people, or patients with motor impairments or comprised health suffering from Parkinson, stroke, or multiple sclerosis. However, the present results provide evidence for an enhancement in balance control in healthy well-trained subjects as well.”

Why Does WBV Improve Balance and Stability?

Although scientists are still investigating how WBV operates on the body, it has been speculated that the proprioceptive system may be at the heart of why it affects balance and stability. In a simplified sense proprioception is basically body awareness, or a person’s unconscious ability (through nerves called mechanoreceptors) to detect changes in movement, spatial orientation and equilibrium. Someone with outstanding proprioception would be a tightrope walker. During WBV training these neurons are given a workout, resulting in a more acute response from the central nervous system and ultimately better balance and stability.

With WBV added to your routine you can really look forward to a more balanced life!

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